0.35498 0 TD Spiral-bound. -2.30377 -1.1889 TD 0 Tc ET 5 0 obj 0.32178 0 TD [(t)-6(r)-7(a)-2(c)5(ks p)3(r)-11(int fr)13(o)4(m le)1(ft t)10(o r)-11(ig)-12(ht)]TJ 0 Tc 0.019 Tc 0 Tc 0.023 Tw [(ant)-3(icipat)8(e)-1(d r)-8(ang)1(e is J-M)]TJ 1.37451 0 TD /Length 14163 Tj -0.0001 Tc -2.90972 -1.1889 TD 66 603.585 m [(ha)17(v)16(e b)-3(e)-2(e)3(n und)3(e)3(r)2(st)9(o)-3(o)-2(d in)]TJ Specific viewing suggestions for individuals, small … 0 Tc 0.6 G [(r)12(ea)-2(ds a w)-16(id)2(e r)-7(ang)1(e o)3(f)-283(fic)-5(t)-2(io)2(n,)]TJ [(b)-3(o)-3(oks\))]TJ 0 -1.18889 TD 557.997 678.585 l S 1.86548 0.00001 TD 0 Tw [(s)3(up)2(p)-2(o)3(r)-17(t t)10(o fix it)]TJ (e)Tj 0.023 Tw 0.54167 0 Td 0 -1.18889 TD 0.86889 0 TD [(sounds r)-11(ig)-12(ht)]TJ T* 0.6 G 0.75 G 0 Tw 1.24291 0 TD (p)' (p)Tj [(e)7(xp)3(r)12(esses so)3(me o)4(pinio)3(ns)]TJ 182.9968 93.6892 l 0.41699 0.00001 TD 0 Tc [(w)1(s w)-5(he)3(r)12(e t)10(o star)-17(t r)11(ea)-2(ding)]TJ 0 -1.18889 TD 0.54167 0 Td 552.016 112.685 m [(io)3(ning st)-6(r)-8(at)8(e)-3(g)-11(ies t)9(o)]TJ [(w)11(o)3(r)12(d p)3(r)12(e)-2(dic)-5(t)-3(io)3(n mak)18(es)]TJ 0.54167 0 Td 0.54167 0 Td 65.52 571.101 m S 306 634.417 l 0.64794 0 TD [(oup o)3(f)-283(c)5(lassmat)9(es;)-244(ma)17(y)]TJ 0.54167 0 Td (so)Tj 0 Tc 0 Tw 0 Tc [(ificat)-3(io)3(ns o)2(r e)7(xpand)]TJ S (t)' 0.81372 0 TD -0.0001 Tc -0.0001 Tc 55.497 467.997 m [(w)-5(he)3(n t)9(e)6(xt is p)3(r)12(ese)3(nt)9(e)-2(d in)]TJ S 0.41699 0 TD 0.023 Tw [(thr)14(oug)-12(h dr)-8(amat)-3(ic,)-224(ar)-17(t)-3(ist)-3(ic)]TJ 0.029 Tw (fix)Tj [(cial e)7(xp)2(r)13(essio)2(ns,)-223(o)3(r)-8(al)]TJ (r)Tj 545.52 314.349 l f 0.023 Tw Tj -2.9143 -1.1889 TD ET BT -0.0001 Tc [(o)3(r)12(ds,)-223(slo)15(w)1(s d)4(o)15(w)-15(n,)]TJ [(ear)-4(l)3(y r)12(ea)-3(ding mat)9(e)3(r)-11(ials)]TJ [(and in w)-16(r)-11(itt)9(e)3(n w)11(o)3(r)-6(k)]TJ Much has been written on the topic of guided reading over the last twenty years, but no other leaders in literacy education have championed the topic with such depth and breadth as Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell. (ns ma)Tj 1.07683 0 Td -0.0001 Tc 0 Tc 0 Tw [(ma)17(y ne)-2(e)-2(d so)2(me s)3(up)3(p)-3(o)3(r)-17(t)]TJ 55.5 117.25 l -0.54167 -4.75556 TD 0.42187 0 TD Featuring 'I Can' statements matched to the continuum, this resource can be used to track student achievement in reading. /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding -0.0001 Tc 0 Tc This The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum, Expanded Edition: A Tool for Assessment, Planning, and Teaching, PreK-8 having great arrangement in word and layout, so you will not really feel uninterested in reading. T* -0.0001 Tc [(e)3(nt sp)-5(e)-2(e)-2(ds d)3(e)1(p)-5(e)3(nding)]TJ 0.023 Tw 0 Tc 0.023 Tw 556.497 85 l 306 571.3519 l -2.31572 -1.1889 TD (t)Tj 0.81796 0 TD 2 0 obj 0.54167 0 Td 0 Tw The Next Step Forward in Guided Reading: An Assess-Decide-Guide Framework for Supporting Every Reader Jan Richardson. (o)Tj 0.51392 0 TD 0.023 Tw [(uses a r)-8(ang)2(e o)3(f)-283(ap)2(p)4(r)14(o)5(p)3(r)-11(iat)8(e)]TJ 0.54167 0 Td 0.79874 0 Td S (r)Tj 0 Tw (o)Tj [(v)-1(ar)-11(ie)-3(t)-13(y o)3(f)-283(b)-3(o)-3(oks and othe)3(r)]TJ 556.497 467.997 m f -8.02822 -1.1889 TD 0 -1.18889 TD 0.51197 0 TD -0.0001 Tc -0.0001 Tc [(init)-3(iat)8(es the)3(m q)4(uic)5(kl)3(y)]TJ [(boo)3(k)]TJ (in)Tj 0.35498 0 TD 0.54167 0 TD 0.65507 0 TD 0.5249 0 TD Tj 0 -1.18889 TD -1.15649 -1.18891 TD [(ic,)-223(ar)-17(t)-3(ist)-3(ic and w)-16(r)-11(itt)8(e)3(n)]TJ (at)Tj (so)Tj 0.35498 0 TD It is broken down into eight smaller continua, which are organized by instructional contexts. 0 g [(e)-3(tails c)13(o)3(nne)-2(c)-5(t)-3(io)3(ns)]TJ 0.54167 0 Td [(xt,)-223(so)2(me)-3(t)-2(imes w)-5(he)3(n)]TJ 0 -1.1889 TD /F0 1 Tf [(kno)15(w)1(s the diff)3(e)3(r)12(e)3(nc)11(e)]TJ -3.68479 -4.7556 TD 0 -1.18889 TD 65.52 538.6119 m 0.54167 0 Td [(b)-3(e)1(ha)17(v)-15(iour)2(s that indicat)9(e se)-2(lf-)]TJ S (ar)Tj 0 -1.18889 TD [(w)-5(he)3(n the t)9(e)7(xt la)16(y-ou)3(t v)-1(ar)-11(ies)]TJ Use the NSW Literacy Continuum cluster markers for reading, to create a colourful and eye catching data wall for your classroom. 0.37793 0 TD T* 0.023 Tw (o)Tj 0.023 Tw S [8.9758 5.9837 ]8.98 d [(e)3(nth)6(usiast)-3(ical)-5(l)3(y se)-2(le)-3(c)-4(ts b)-3(o)-3(oks)]TJ -0.0001 Tc (ar)Tj -0.54167 -7.13333 TD [(anguag)2(e t)9(o c)7(he)-2(c)5(k that a)]TJ In Guided Reading, you meet with groups of up to six children at a time who are reading at similar reading levels. S -1.23551 -4.75556 TD 0 Tc (lit)Tj ET -8.11512 -1.18893 TD (a)Tj [(es w)11(o)3(r)12(ds,)-223(pauses\) and)]TJ 1.71074 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tc (v)' (d)Tj 0 -1.18889 TD Tj 0 Tw 2.11939 0 TD 0.79077 0 TD Q (n)Tj (is)Tj 0.54167 0 Td 183.0002 383.5648 m (ne)Tj -8.41007 -1.18891 TD -0.0001 Tc [(w)-16(ith e)-8(y)12(es f)3(o)3(r a ne)1(w line e)-7(v)16(e)3(n)]TJ -0.037 Tw -0.0001 Tc S 0.54167 0 Td [(fing)2(e)3(r p)-3(o)3(int)-3(ing;)-244(ma)17(y b)-3(e)]TJ [(n)7(umb)-3(e)3(r o)3(f)-283(t)9(e)7(xt f)3(o)3(r)-7(ms \(e.g)-12(. -0.54167 -2.37778 TD endobj [(ie)-3(t)-13(y o)3(f)]TJ -0.54167 -1.18889 TD Tj S 0.67488 0 TD (R)' 0 Tc [(list)9(e)3(ns att)8(e)3(nt)-3(i)10(v)16(e)-2(l)3(y t)10(o a w)-16(id)2(e)]TJ [(r)-8(at)1(ur)12(e \(e.g)-13(. -0.41699 -1.18889 TD 0.023 Tw (e)Tj 0.54167 0.00001 TD 545.598 409.968 l [(star)-17(ts t)10(o se)-2(e othe)2(r v)-15(ie)1(w)-15(p)-2(o)3(ints)]TJ 1.37451 0 TD 0.51782 0 TD [(t)-6(r)-7(a)-2(c)5(king)]TJ 0.417 0 TD 1.79058 0.00001 TD 0.023 Tw (pauses,)Tj -0.0001 Tc 1.70171 0 TD endstream 0 -1.18889 TD 0.31486 0 TD 0 -1.18889 TD (d)Tj 0 g The key is in how readers apply the cognitive actions and meet the challenges of increasingly complex texts. (and so)Tj 0.023 Tw endstream [(Kindergar)-21(t)19(en)]TJ -0.54167 -2.37777 TD >> [(c)7(he)-2(c)5(king is o)-3(c)11(cur)-11(r)-11(ing w)-16(ith)]TJ 0.029 Tw Q [(t)9(e)7(xt)1(ual meaning)]TJ 0 Tc q (r)Tj -0.54167 -2.37777 TD 0.59888 0.00001 TD 0 -1.18889 TD 0.54167 0 Td [(te)-2(x)-9(t)]TJ [(mak)18(es o)3(r)-8(al and w)-16(r)-11(itt)8(e)3(n b)-3(o)-2(ok)]TJ -0.0001 Tc endobj (q)Tj [(f)-283(t)-2(ime )]TJ S [(uses a v)-1(ar)-11(ie)-3(t)-13(y o)2(f)]TJ (l-thoug)Tj (e)Tj T* 428.9995 505.9684 l 0 Tc [(c)13(o)3(nfid)3(e)3(ntl)3(y jo)2(ins in w)-16(ith)]TJ 1 w 0.43774 0 TD 0 Tw [9.1118 6.0744 ]9.11 d [(dir)12(e)-2(c)-5(t)-3(io)3(ns,)-223(e)7(xplanat)-4(io)3(ns,)]TJ 0.69972 0 Td [(r)14(o)3(r o)3(r ne)-2(e)-2(ding s)3(up)2(p)-2(o)3(r)-17(t t)9(o)]TJ 0 Tc 0.9939 0 TD 0.023 Tw q (ual)Tj 0.54167 0 Td 0 Tw 0 Tc [9.1118 6.0744 ]9.11 d 0.56166 0 Td [(e)3(nth)6(usiast)-3(ical)-5(l)3(y se)-2(le)-3(c)-4(ts a w)-16(id)2(e)]TJ 0.023 Tw 0 Tw -0.0001 Tc [(mb)-3(e)-2(dd)3(e)-2(d in w)-16(r)-11(itt)8(e)3(n)]TJ 0.68877 0 Td -0.0002 Tc [(cial e)7(xp)2(r)13(essio)2(ns,)-223(o)3(r)-8(al)]TJ (e)Tj -0.54167 -1.18889 TD 0.023 Tw [(ea)-2(d ahea)-2(d,)-224(r)12(e)3(r)12(ea)-2(ds,)]TJ 0 Tc -0.0001 Tc 556.497 723.468 l -0.0001 Tc S T* S /F1 1 Tf /Length 15484 -0.73267 -1.18889 TD 0 -1.18889 TD -0.0001 Tc 2.40264 0 TD 2.11939 0 TD Q (r)Tj (o)Tj Tj (it)Tj Q 0 -1.1889 TD [(o)3(n t)9(o)5(pic)]TJ (he)Tj 0.3549 0.00001 TD 0.40406 0 TD BT 0.35498 0 TD 0.6 G (ks o)Tj 0.023 Tw 6. 0.023 Tw 59.981 723.468 m (amat)Tj 65.082 571.3519 m 556.5 117.25 l (e)Tj [(la)17(y-ou)2(t is unfamiliar)]TJ 0 Tw 2.38677 0.00001 TD )-203(W)100(o)3(r)12(d)]TJ 0 -1.18889 TD 0.54167 0 Td to spread the word online. -0.54167 -2.37779 TD [(at)1(ur)11(e)]TJ [(c)13(o)3(mme)3(nts,)-223(and dr)-8(amat)-3(ic,)]TJ 0 -1.18889 TD 0.74365 0 TD 1 0 0 1 -1000 1792 Tm 0 Tc 0 -1.18888 TD 3 0 obj (c)Tj (o)Tj endobj 1.55883 0.00001 TD Q /F2 1 Tf (t)Tj 0.54167 0 Td -0.0001 Tc T* 0 Tw [(inc)13(o)3(nsist)9(e)3(nt w)-5(he)2(n a b)-3(o)-2(ok)]TJ (e)Tj -0.0001 Tc T* 0 Tw [(ht ou)3(t)]TJ -2.1809 -1.18892 TD 0 -1.18889 TD [(kno)15(w)1(s pic)-5(t)1(ur)12(es s)3(up)2(p)-3(o)3(r)-16(t)]TJ /F2 1 Tf 0 Tw 0.54167 0 Td [(G)17(uid)3(e)-2(d and I)9(nd)3(e)1(p)-5(e)3(nd)3(e)3(nt)]TJ -0.0001 Tc The continua provide specific descriptions of the texts that students read, listen to, write, and perform. 0 Tw -0.0001 Tc (e)Tj 556.5 723.468 l 1.62647 0 TD )-223(thr)14(oug)-12(h)]TJ 0.53687 0 TD 0.023 Tw -0.54167 -3.56667 TD 0.023 Tw T* 0.81787 0 TD 0 Tc [(the fr)14(o)3(nt c)13(o)11(v)16(e)3(r t)10(o the ba)-2(c)4(k)]TJ [(w)-5(he)3(n t)9(e)6(xt la)17(y-ou)3(t v)-1(ar)-11(ies \(e.g)-13(. [(w)11(o)3(r)12(d p)3(r)12(e)-2(dic)-5(t)-3(io)3(ns \( e.g)-12(. [(t)9(e)7(xt f)3(o)3(r)-7(ms \(e.g)-12(. 0.017 Tc -0.0001 Tc [(e)-7(v)16(e)-2(ls o)3(f)-283(t)9(e)7(xt)]TJ 0 -1.18888 TD 0.54167 0 Td 1.14605 0 TD 0.52294 0 TD -0.54167 -2.37777 TD 0 Tc [(g)-11(r)-8(a)-1(d)3(e-le)-7(v)16(e)-2(l R)23(ea)-2(d )19(A)3(loud,)]TJ 0.75 G (t)Tj S 14 0 0 14 54 737.8871 Tm [(su)-3(p)-1(p)-5(or)-20(t)]TJ ET -0.0001 Tc 0.023 Tw 0.79874 0 Td 0.84594 0 TD 7 0 obj 0.30021 0 TD [(o)3(r)12(d)3(e)3(r t)10(o c)5(lar)-11(ify)]TJ 0.6 G 0 Tc The behaviors are organized according to the Systems of Strategic Actions for thinking 0.75 G 552.016 112.685 l -0.0001 Tc Interactive Read-Aloud and Literature Discussion. -0.0001 Tc 0.73267 0 TD 1.10377 0 TD [(e)3(nse,)-223(sounds r)-12(ig)-12(ht,)-223(and)]TJ -0.0002 Tc -0.0001 Tc (r)Tj -0.54167 -2.37777 TD (asks so)Tj S 0 -1.18889 TD -0.54167 -1.18888 TD -0.0001 Tc [(\(e.g)-12(. [(making c)13(o)3(nne)-2(c)-5(t)-3(io)3(ns,)]TJ [(la)17(y-ou)2(t is c)13(o)3(nsist)9(e)3(nt)]TJ (es and ne)Tj T* 1.62646 0 TD 0 Tc -0.0001 Tc T* 3. 59.984 723.468 l 0 -1.18889 TD (l)Tj (lit)Tj [(making c)13(o)3(nne)-2(c)-5(t)-3(io)3(ns,)]TJ 1.35254 0.00001 TD 0.69384 0.00001 TD 0.54167 0 Td S 0.6 G q q 0.017 Tc 0 Tc << 0.76974 0 Td [(zag)-6(s \))]TJ 0.6 G [(\(ma)17(y p)2(r)12(e)2(f)3(e)3(r t)10(o sta)17(y w)-16(ith)]TJ 0 Tw -3.48624 -3.56666 TD 0.51195 0 TD 0.47168 0 TD -0.3549 -1.18889 TD (m)Tj S 0.3147 0.00001 TD [(r)-11(ig)-12(ht)15-195(b)-2(o)-3(oks)]TJ 0.76974 0 Td Tj (r)Tj 0.75 G 545.449 205.968 l 2.84941 0 TD [(q)4(uic)5(kl)3(y finds the fir)1(st pag)2(e )]TJ 0.41895 0.00001 TD (o)Tj T* 0.51392 0.00001 TD -0.0001 Tc (thinking)Tj (o)Tj (up)Tj 1.60381 0.00001 TD Tj 0.42187 0 TD (ar)Tj [9.1118 6.0744 ]9.11 d 0.68285 0.00001 TD (he)Tj -0.0001 Tc 0 Tw 428.9968 93.6892 l 0 -1.18889 TD (Reading Continuum (continued))Tj q 0.54167 0 Td -0.0001 Tc 0 Tw 0.66702 0 TD ET [(list)9(e)3(ns att)8(e)3(nt)-3(i)10(v)16(e)-2(l)3(y t)10(o a w)-16(id)2(e)]TJ [(w)11(o)3(r)12(d p)3(r)12(e)-2(dic)-5(t)-3(io)3(n mak)18(es)]TJ [(w)-5(he)3(n a t)9(e)7(xt is familiar)]TJ 0.75 G (Literacy Place for the Early Y)Tj [(Kindergar)-21(t)19(en)]TJ 558 678.585 l 0.54167 0 TD 1 g [(.y)240(o)223(u)]TJ (fr)Tj 0 Tc (ts;)Tj Tj (the t)Tj -0.0001 Tc 0.79493 0.00001 TD endstream 0 Tc [(a)21(war)12(e o)3(f)-283(so)3(me diff)3(e)3(r)12(e)3(nc)11(es in)]TJ [(al q)4(uest)-3(io)2(ns t)10(o c)7(he)-2(c)5(k)]TJ 0 Tw (fix)Tj 0.023 Tw -0.54167 -3.56666 TD 0.023 Tw 0.2659 0.00001 TD -0.54167 -3.56667 TD [(t)-6(r)-7(a)-2(c)5(ks p)3(r)-11(int in lab)-3(e)-2(ls,)]TJ (asks o)Tj [(ft)292(e)290(x)283(t)]TJ [(uses pic)-5(t)1(ur)12(es t)10(o s)2(up)3(p)-3(o)3(r)-17(t)]TJ -0.54167 -3.56667 TD [(b)-3(e)-3(tw)7(e)-2(e)3(n fa)-2(c)-5(t and fic)-5(t)-3(io)3(n and)]TJ 0 g S [(cap)-2(t)-3(io)3(ns,)-224(and c)7(har)-17(ts in)]TJ []0 d When teachers notice, teach, and support these behaviors, they link assessment to responsive teaching. 2.09941 0 TD [(ie)-3(t)-13(y o)3(f)]TJ Tj -14.20833 48.74443 TD 9 0 0 9 312.8418 493.212 Tm Tj [(d)3(ur)-11(ing I)9(nd)3(e)1(p)-5(e)3(nd)3(e)3(nt R)23(ea)-2(ding)]TJ 0 -1.18889 TD -0.0001 Tc T* 0.77979 0 TD (up)Tj 11 0 0 11 54 29.9892 Tm -7.30096 -1.18891 TD (w)Tj 0 Tc T* 0.54167 0 TD 0.5618 0 Td -2.30889 -1.1889 TD [(p)3(r)12(e)-2(dic)-5(t)-3(io)3(ns \( e.g)-12(. 0 -1.1889 TD 0 Tc 1.06567 0 TD [(has a fa)17(v)17(our)-11(it)8(e b)-3(o)-3(ok that is)]TJ BT [(the t)9(ea)-3(c)7(he)3(r)56(,)-223(a b)3(udd)6(y)62(,)-223(o)3(r)]TJ ET [(q)4(uic)5(kl)3(y id)2(e)3(nt)-3(ifies t)9(e)7(xts as fa)-2(c)-5(t)]TJ T* /OPM 1 (uid)Tj (pinio)Tj [(ma)17(y ne)-2(e)-2(d)]TJ /F0 1 Tf S [(w)11(o)3(r)12(d puzzles,)-223(scr)-11(ip)-2(ts,)]TJ 0.35498 0 TD 9 0 0 9 54 30.0251 Tm -5.27496 -1.18891 TD Ways, to create a colourful and eye catching data wall for your classroom fpc Guided Continuum. 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