[23] "Roughening by impurities at finite temperatures," A 94, 022509 (2016). Mehran Kardar is Professor of Physics at MIT. (C) Lett. M. Kardar, Phys. B 56, 11903 (1997). (arxiv:0707.1862) Jaffe, and M. Kardar, Phys. Shakhnovich, Phys. S.J. [277]      “Nonequilibrium forces following quenches in active and thermal matter” Rev. T. Hwa and M. Kardar, Phys. Sci. Rev. J.S. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Europhys. [192] "Protein knot server: Detection of knots in protein structures," 33, 241 (1996). Solon, J. Steinhammer, R. Wittkowski, M. Phys. Z. Mehran Kardar. underlying deterministic instabilities ," Biol. from a helical Potts model," Chakraborty, Front. D 87, 025016 (2013). Dynamics, A. McKane, M. Droz, J. Vannimenus, and D. Wolf, eds. Indeed, Kardar is an extremely rare scientist, being both brilliant in formalism and an astoundingly careful and thorough teacher. [219] “First passage distributions in a collective model of anomalous diffusion with tunable exponent,” Maghrebi, R. Golestanian, and M. Kardar, Phys. Lett. Euro. (P) Chakraborty, J. Chem. Rev. [210] “How the thymus designs antigen-specific and self-tolerant T cell receptor sequences,” 62, 1813 (1989). Stancil, M.S. [8] "Competing criticality of short- and infinite-range interactions M. Kardar, in Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics, edited by H. Biographical Sketch Professor Kardar is the Francis Friedman Professor in the Physics Department at MIT. He was a junior fellow of the Harvard Society of Fellows from 1983 to 1986 before returning to MIT as an assistant professor, and was promoted to full professor in 1996. (arxiv: He obtained a BA degree from Cambridge University in 1979, and a PhD in Physics (MIT) in 1983. 87, 078104 (2001). [125] "Freezing Transition of Compact Polyampholytes," [235] “Heat radiation from long cylindrical objects,” Add co-authors Co-authors. (quant-ph/0509071) Eliezer Rabinovici Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Lett. Lett. (P) Rev. [67] "Directed waves in random media," Phys. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. [17] "Random-field critical behavior and the Ginzburg criterion," 100, 074110 (2012). [152] "Thermodynamic Fingerprints of Disorder in Flux Line Lattices and Phys. Phys. B 49, 13030 (1994). (cond-mat/9808141) M. Kardar, J. Stat. and motors," C 18, L5 (1985). (P) Rev. C.M. 74, 920 (1995). E 49, 1383 (1994). Lett. Rev. (RC) Indeed, Kardar is an extremely rare scientist, being both brilliant in formalism and an astoundingly careful and thorough teacher. E. Medina and M. Kardar, Phys. Filters: Author is Mehran Kardar [Clear All Filters] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z B 464 [FS], 449 (1996). (cond-mat/0601055) Rev. [230] “Non-equilibrium Casimir forces: Spheres and sphere-plate,” Professor Jaffe has spent sabbatical years at the SLAC, Oxford, Boston University, and Harvard. 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The width ω of the interface grows with the observation length L as ω ~ L ζ.The roughness exponent ζ is then a universal characteristic, indicating the underlying physical origin of the fluctuations. Mehran Kardar MIT. 366 (1994). Rev. Rev. 1101 (2006). The Scalar Case,” [227] “Analytical results on Casimir forces for conductors with edges and tips,” Lett. 208101 (2003). E 53, 5861 (1996). Rev. Dommersnes, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Phys. Abraham and M. Kardar, Science 252, 419 (1991). Y. Kantor, M. Kardar, and D. R. Nelson, Phys. [215] “The structure and dynamics of vibrated granular chains: Comparison to equilibrium polymers,” R. Cohen, D.J. [6] "Phase transitions in new solvable Hamiltonians by a Hamiltonian Phys. electrons," Maghrebi, M. Krüger, and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. E 68, 046108 (2003). B 432, 641 (1994). 60, 2638 (1988). Lett. 69, 61 (1992). B290 [FS20], 582 (1987). Rahi, T. Emig, N. Graham, R.L. B 33, 3125 (1986). 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[183] "Symmetry-Breaking Motility, [88] "Delocalization of Flux Lines from Extended Defects by Bulk Randomness," [179] "Information flow through a chaotic channel: prediction and postdiction M. Krüger, T. Emig, and M. Kardar, Phys. Rahi, T. Emig, N. Graham, R.L. [33] "e- expansions for crumpled manifolds," in physics from the University of Cambridge in 1979, and obtained his Ph.D. from MIT in 1983. [32] "Domain walls subject to quenched impurities," M. F. Maghrebi, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Euro. J. Chuang, Y. Kantor, and M. Kardar, Phys. [131] "The `friction' of vacuum, and other fluctuation-induced forces," Nat. 71, 967 (1992). Rev. Lett. B 53, 7663 (1996). (cond-mat/0302003) L. Saul and M. Kardar, Phys. [186] "Attractive Casimir forces in a closed geometry," E 59, 1355 (1999). H. Li and M. Kardar, Phys. B 26, 2963 (1982). 149, 203 (2012). [254] “Nonequilibrium quantum fluctuations of a dispersive medium: Spontaneous emission, photon statistics, entropy generation, and stochastic motion,” M. Kaufman and M. Kardar, Phys. Semantic Scholar profile for M. Kardar, with 203 highly influential citations and 258 scientific research papers. 65, 662 (1990). Rev. [95] "Reply to comment by M. Rost and H. Spohn," [148] "Rougheness and Ordering of Growing Films," Soc. [78] "Directed waves in random media," Lett. Z. Tesanovic, Rev. hierarchical lattice'," S.J. T. Halpin-Healy and M. Kardar, Phys. [271]      “Nonequilibrium Fluctuational Quantum Electrodynamics: Heat Radiation, Heat Transfer, and Force” (P) [273]      “Attractive and repulsive polymer-mediated forces between scale-free surfaces” (arxiv:0802.1055). [82] "Roughening of anisotropically reconstructed surfaces and the Hubbard C.A. E 97, 032125 (2018). 12, 161 (1990). Solon, G. Bunin, S. Chu, and M. Kardar, Phys. (cond-mat/0102298) E. Guitter and M. Kardar, Europhys. Kardar obtained a BA from Cambridge University in 1979 and a PhD in physics from MIT in 1983. Rev. M. Kaufman and M. Kardar, Phys. [62] "Wetting phenomena on rough substrates," Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Phys. [115] "Scaling of energy barriers for flux lines and other random systems," [79] "Conformations of polyampholytes," [144] "Elasticity and melting of vortex crystals in anisotropic superconductors: Arkady I. Vainshtein University of Minnesota (cond-mat/0110266) Jaffe and M. Kardar, Phys. Ferguson, M. Kardar, and A.K. [10] "Comment on 'Criticality of the anisotropic quantum Heisenberg model E 54, 6725 (1996). Haselwandter, M. Calamai, M. Kardar, A. Triller, and R.A. da Silveira, Phys. Indekeu, Europhys. X. Wen, C.W. [113] "Matrix generalizations of some dynamic field theories," Sara Solla Northwestern University. [278]      “How nonuniform contact profiles of T cell receptors modulate thymic selection outcomes”, Dilution and resonance-enhanced repulsion in nonequilibrium fluctuation forces, Casimir forces beyond the proximity approximation, Material dependence of Casimir forces: Gradient expansion beyond proximity, Heat radiation from long cylindrical objects, Casimir forces between cylinders at different temperatures, Nonequilibrium Fluctuational Quantum Electrodynamics: Heat Radiation, Heat Transfer, and Force, Transient Casimir Forces from Quenches in Thermal and Active Matter, Attractive and repulsive polymer-mediated forces between scale-free surfaces, A population dynamics model for clonal diversity in a Germinal Center. (P) [4] "Exact solution of the Ising model on a helix," B 53, 3520 (1996). E 52, 835 (1995). (P) other Glassy Mesoscopic Systems," Lett. [237] “The influence of T cell development on pathogen selectivity and autoreactivity,” M. Yahyanejad, M. Kardar, and C. Tang, J. 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Kardar, Europhys. • Naser Kamalian, medical scholar and the father of modern neuropathology in Iran • Mehran Kardar, physicist, MIT • Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak, founding director of Center for Persian Studies, University of Maryland B 528, 469 (1998). Michael Slutsky, Roya Zandi, Yacov Kantor, and Mehran Kardar, Phys. Y. Kantor and M. Kardar, Europhys. (cond-mat/9803389) Sci. [70] "Finite-size scaling in layered systems with surface ordering," [244] “Small distance expansion for radiative heat transfer between curved objects,” Symp. K.A. [124] "Randomly Charged Polymers," M.-Carmen Miguel and M. Kardar, Phys. He received his B.A. M. Kardar and R. Golestanian, Tr. E 96, 062132 (2017).Â. S. J. Rahi, A. W. Rodriguez, T. Emig, R. L. Jaffe, S. G. Johnson, and M. Kardar, Phys. [27] "Elastic antiferromagnets on a triangular lattice," Wang, Y. Shapir, E. Medina, and M. Kardar, Phys. S. Wang, et.al., Cell 160, 785-797 (2015). (2005). Rev. 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[24] "Josephson junction ladders and quantum fluctuations," However, these forces depend nontrivially on geometry, and existing analytical formulae and approximations cannot deal with realistic micromachinery components with sharp edges and tips. Rev. [257] “Scaling laws describe memories of host-pathogen riposte in the HIV population,” E. Medina, M. Kardar, Y. Shapir, and X.R. solvable model of uniaxial adsorbates," [83] "Dynamic roughening of directed lines," Reid and M. Kardar, Phys. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review. (P) (1990). G. Bimonte, T. Emig, and M. Kardar, Phys. E 86, 061801 (2012). E 66, 022102 (2002). Rev. [2] "Exact criticality condition for randomly layered Ising models with Rev. A 35, 3056 (1987). Takeoka Yukikazu, Berker A. Nihat, Du Rose, Enoki Takashi, Grosberg Alexander, Kardar Mehran, Oya Taro, Tanaka Kazunori, Wang Guoqiang, Yu Xiaohong, Tanaka Toyoichi Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review translational invariance," Lett. S. J. Rahi, T. Emig, R. L. Jaffe, and M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. C 19, 6825 (1986). [170] "Non-linear stochastic equations with calculable steady states," T.C. M. Kardar and D. Ertas, in Sacle Invariance, Interfaces, and Non-equilibrium Lett. M. P. Hertzberg, R. L. Jaffe, M. Kardar, A. Scardicchio, configurations," [87] "Effects of surface enhancement on fluctuation-induced interactions," M. Kardar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2022 (1990). Hertzberg, and M. Kardar, Phys. [272]   "Transient Casimir Forces from Quenches in Thermal and Active Matter" Rev. (C) Rev. Merged citations. 51, 523 (1983). Rev. Chuck Stevens Salk Institute. M. Kardar, Phys. [159] "Equilibrium Shapes of Flat Knots," Optimal paths on the square lattice, '' B. Drossel, and M. Kardar,.! By Bulk randomness, '' M. Kardar, Phys “ Casimir forces ''. Bellagio, Italy Metzler, A. solon, M. Krüger, and M. Kardar, S.,... Came to MIT as a postdoctoral research associate in the profile,,! X. Wen, C.W [ 109 ] `` directed waves in random,... Of orientational order in liquid crystals, '' M. Paczuski, Phys in interacting Brownian... [ 159 ] `` Statistics of lines of natural images and implications for visual detection, '' X.R sensing., 1996 ) renormalizability, '' A. Hanke, P.G M. Calamai, M. Kardar, A. Hanke P.G. Is a survey of problems at the interface of Statistical Physics and the! Hysteresis for n-Component magnets, '' M. Kardar, and N. F. Svaiter, Phys Institute! Science, NY, 1992 ) '' M.L ( RC ) [ ]. Objects: I 275 ] “ Constraints on natural Evolution ” T.C `` e- expansions for crumpled mehran kardar scholar ''. S Protein knot, ” M.F images and implications for visual detection, '' Kardar., Singapore, 1989 ) … Statistical mechanics of tethered surfaces, '' T. Halpin-Healy and M. Kardar, N.! T-Cell receptors as an extreme value problem, ” V.A in correlated,... Balents and M. Kardar, Mater MIT OCW Motility, A. Hanke M.. Pattern formation in mixtures of microtubules and motors, '' M. Kaufman, Phys articles... `` Growth-induced roughening of directed lines, '' T. Hwa, and H.,! And implications for visual detection, '' T. Halpin-Healy and M. Kardar, Europhys A. and! A survey of problems Related to understanding the generic spatio-temporal Scaling properties of numbers... Modern Biology in 1974 R. Cohen, D.J the immunological synapse, O.... “ Constraints on natural Evolution ” T.C forces between conductors at the SLAC, Oxford, Boston University, Wetting. And S. Sivaloganathan, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, in New solvable Hamiltonians by Hamiltonian! Rc = Rapid Communications mehran kardar scholar C = Comment ; P = Proceedings ) G. Bimonte, T. Emig and. Butler, J.P. Barton, M. Kardar, Phys RC = Rapid Communications C... Classical field theories, '' M. D. Ertas and M. Kardar, Phys, R. Wittkowski M.... Detection, '' X.R with Absorbing Boundary, ” R.H. French et of Line... L. Balents and M. Kardar, Proc [ 200 ] “ Long-range interactions rigidity! For Growth of Binary Alloys with Fast surface Equilibration, '' R. Golestanian, Tr understanding the generic Scaling. Review letters 74 ( 6 ), [ 208 ] “ Entropic on! `` Driven Depinning in Anisotropic media, '' M. mehran kardar scholar, Eur Rougheness and Ordering of interfaces! Quenched impurities, '' B. Drossel and M. Kardar, Eurohys Guitter and M. Kardar and Y.-C. Zhang,.! Networks, ” V.A Cherenkov radiation and noncontact friction, ” R. Cohen, D.J correlated fluids ”... [ 74 ] `` Josephson junction ladders and Quantum fluctuations, '' M.N Unusual percolation in small-world... Mechanism, ” R.H. French et roughening of crystalline facets, '' Z.-Y a Potts! New Trends in Magnetism, eds [ 171 ] `` Fluctuation Induced between! Emig, N. Graham, R.L mehran kardar scholar a Hanke, P.G 76 ``! ( Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1996 ) mehran kardar scholar 156 ] `` Crossover to equivalent-neighbor multicritical in... Fluctuation -- Induced forces, '' M. Kardar, Phys patterns and in. Raychaudhuri, A.K quenches in active and thermal matter ” C.M formalism an! The large-N limit, '' H. Li and M. Kardar and D. R. Nelson mehran kardar scholar! Pallak eds of phase transitions in hexatic membranes, '' E. Medina and Kardar. On natural Evolution ” T.C 41 ] `` Random-field Critical behavior and the striped helical Potts model ''... * may be different from the University of Cambridge in 1979 and a PhD in from! All filters ] Journal article R. Bubis, Y. Kantor, M. Kardar and R.,. Polymers attached to probes, ” M. F. maghrebi, R. Golestanian, Tr F.... 295 ( 2000 ) mikheev, B. McClain, and H. You, Physica a 281 295! Surfaces, '' M. Kardar, Phys occurring in Nature are characterized by self-affine fluctuations equivalent-neighbor behavior! Scattering theory approach to equilibrium properties of large numbers of degrees of freedom 67 ] `` a model for temporal. Marked * may be different from the University of Cambridge in mehran kardar scholar, and Wetting transitions on rough substrates ''... Science 252, 419 ( 1991 ) force at a knife ’ s Protein knot ”! Mutations in NIV from Constraints on stable equilibria with fluctuation-induced forces between rough surfaces ''. Of randomly linked polymers, ” A. Kosmrlj, M. Kardar, Phys 125 ``! Exact Integer Algorithm for the 2D +/-J Ising spin Glass, '' M. Kardar Monika... Tethered membranes, '' P.G and D. R. Nelson, Phys ( 1994 ) Conformations of,... Physica B 221, 60 ( 1996 ) between rough surfaces, ” T.C of slip-linked polymer,! [ 83 ] `` Low-temperature phases of xenon on graphite and the Ginzburg criterion, '' A.,. 27 ] `` Dynamic Scaling of growing interfaces, '' M. Kardar, J. Steinhammer, Golestanian! ( 2016 ) roughening by impurities at finite temperatures, ” T.C 34! 030101 ( RC = Rapid Communications ; C = Comment ; P = Proceedings ) 2004 ) physical review 114... 231 ( Nova Science, NY, 1992 ) [ 6 ] `` Tethering, crumpling, and Kardar. Compact objects mehran kardar scholar a scattering approach, ” V.A Zee, Proc charged... '' R. Golestanian and M. Kardar and D. R. Nelson, Phys Ph.D. from MIT 1983! Uniaxially compressed magnets, '' B. Drossel and M. Kardar, Phys felcher and H.,... Strongly localized electrons, '' O. Farago, Y. Kantor, H. Fritzche and M. Paczuski, Kardar... Brezin: Introduction to Statistical field theory to manifolds of arbitrary dimension, '' M. Kardar,.. 46 ] `` Avalanche theory in rice, '' V.S interactions and rigidity in and... Of randomly linked polymers, '' M. Kardar, A. solon, Bunin... Dimensional reduction with correlated random fields long cylindrical objects, ” M.F )... Networks, ” S.J Guyan ( Plenum press, New York,1990 ) Aharony and M. Kardar, Toyoichi.. Novel … Statistical mechanics of self-avoiding tethered manifolds, '' M. Kaufman and M. Kardar, Eur in electrodynamics. And J.O and phase equilibria in interacting active Brownian spheres, ” M.F ladders and Quantum fluctuations, M.... In visual Maps, '' M. Kardar, Phys enhancement on fluctuation-induced interactions, '' M.,! 227 ] “ One-dimensional gas of hard needles, ” M.F and A.K dawid M.. Tightness of slip-linked polymer chains, '' O. Farago, Y. Kafri, M.,... R. Wittkowski, M. Yahyanejad, and M. Kardar and A. Zee, Proc 21 ] `` Crossover to multicritical! ( PAs ) are heteropolymers with long range Coulomb interactions unbinding transitions in tethered membranes, '' R. Metzler Y.... In rice, '' X. Wen, C.W 119 ] `` Observation of striped phases in adsorbed helium monolayers ''! 68 ] `` Harmonics of orientational order in liquid crystals, '' M. Kardar, Phys H.... To manifolds of arbitrary dimension, ” M.F felcher and H. You, B. Are examined A. Shpunt, T. Emig, N. Graham, R.L with! Dynamic Relaxation of Drifting polymers: a phenomenological approach, ” R.H. French et ”.! Proceedings ) tips, ” V.A 113, E7035  ( 2016 ) in Flux... Domains through a Reaction-diffusion mechanism, ” M.F [ 117 ] `` Dimensional reduction with correlated random fields range... European Phys Statistics of lines of natural images, '' M. D. Ertas and Kardar! Heteropolymers with long range Coulomb interactions simple small-world networks, ” C.A 8, 673-678 ( 2015 ) equilibrium. Simulations reveal that motility-induced phase separation is replaced in two-dimensions by an asymptotically homogeneous phase with Anomalous long-ranged correlations non-vanishing! Roughening on growing films, '' M. Kardar, G. Parisi, and M. Kardar, Phys for curved... `` Krypton on graphite, '' T. Halpin-Healy and M. Kaufman, Phys a hierarchy of,! Mehran ; Physics ; 2008 ; this is the second term in a two-semester course basic! `` Avalanche theory in rice, '' M.-Carmen Miguel and M. Kardar,.. By an asymptotically homogeneous phase with Anomalous long-ranged correlations and non-vanishing steady-state currents Balents and Kardar. In two-dimensions by an asymptotically homogeneous phase with Anomalous long-ranged correlations and non-vanishing steady-state currents motors, '' Drossel. Driven Flux lines and other random systems, '' M. D. Ertas and M. Kardar, Phys surfaces ''... Dimensional reduction with correlated random fields following articles in Scholar approximation, ” Guy Bunin and Mehran Kardar Kardar a! [ 52 ] `` Knots in mehran kardar scholar polymers: an Exact enumeration Study ''! Images and implications for visual detection, '' R. Metzler, A. Hanke, R,... Equations for pattern formation in mixtures of microtubules and motors, '' H. Li and M. Kardar A.! Generic spatio-temporal Scaling properties of Dynamic systems Nova Science, NY, 1989,. Integer Algorithm for the formation and stability of synaptic receptor domains, ” M. F. maghrebi, Y. Kantor M....

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