In addition to the destruction of Shu Mai's compound, the toxins were released into the Felucian water supply, part of a Confederate measure to make sure the world did not fall into the hands of the Republic. Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Air Men waren eine amerikanische Countryrock-Gruppe, die eine Stilvielfalt aus Country, RocknRoll, Western Swing und alten Hymnen spielte. Created by MandalorianBussines . Es gelang Bly gerade noch, das Schiff aus dem Hangar der Resolute zu lösen, um den Sternzerstörer nicht mit in den Hyperraum zu reißen, bevor sie in selbigen sprangen. [10], Secura opted to stay behind, but the blaster-toting Bly was not allowed to remain within the village. Dies wurde jedoch verworfen und man gab ihm gelbe Markierungen, damit seine Rüstung besser mit der Umwelt Felucias zusammenpasste. Isard then suggested posting access-markers on specific data nodes, which would alert Intelligence when they were breached by Ekria, allowing Tremayne to track down the location of the Padawans. When Bly fired he made sure the death was quick and painless. Bly wusste nach wie vor nicht, wie er Vos einschätzen sollte und war bereit, seinen Jedi-General Aayla Secura wieder gegen ihn zu verteidigen. Da der Navigationscomputer des Schiffes nicht mehr funktionierte, sahen sich die Jedi gezwungen, sämtliche Energie des Schiffes abzuschalten, um den Hyperraumsprung gewaltsam zu beenden. Clonepedia Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Skywalker, remembering that they would need a ship to get off Maridun, suggested that if the Confederates had a landing craft, they would also likely have a shuttle of some sort. Um die während des Klonkrieges erlittenen Verluste aufzufangen und die wenigen vorhandenen Jedi-Generäle zu entlasten, wurde während des Krieges auf Kamino ein besonderes Trainingsprogramm ins Leben gerufen. Nevertheless, the Republic forces continued on with their attacks, albeit without the advantage of Rancisis's battle meditation. Following the battle, control of the city remained contested, leaving the Republic forces with little choice but to return to their encampment. With that mission a success, Bly and his troops hunted Shu Mai, who was a member of the governing body of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Fox wurde von geheimdienstlicher Quelle mitgeteilt, dass ein Trandoshaner Senator Shayla Paige-Tarkin entführen wolle und in Kürze auf Coruscant eintreffen würde. Jedipedia ist eine Fandom-Filme-Community. [20] The efforts to stop the spreading of the toxin were abandoned,[24] with the ensuing deaths blamed on the Jedi. As it traveled through hyperspace, Bly learned that the ship was on a direct collision course with a star. [10], The Confederates redoubled their attack, attempting to down Secura's ship. Sternenkorps stellte in der folgenden Schlacht von Saleucami die Bodentruppen und wurde von den Jedi-Generälen K'Kruhk, Jeisel, Xiaan und A'Sharad Hett in den Kampf geführt, während Aayla gemeinsam mit Quinlan ein unterirdisches, geothermales Kraftwerk sabotieren wollte. [4] When the Republic amassed a number of droids that needed their memory cores unlocked and wiped, Bly helped to recruit a Jedi Knight for the task, as the secrets in the droids could be crucial to the war effort.[6]. [19] Secura wished to speak with Vos following a large battle that had gained the Republic ground, so she sent Bly to make the request. Beruf / Tätigkeit Tano and Secura were able to enter the outpost, wherein Tano proceeded to open the main door, allowing Bly, Rex, and Skywalker to join the others. Darth Nihilus - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 3. Durd's next move was to have his army of droids charge the village, prompting Skywalker, Tano, Secura, Bly and Rex to move outside the shield and engage the attackers. Er war einer der hochrangigsten Klon-Offiziere innerhalb der GAR. Commander Bly; Commander Bly. Da Bly mit seinen Männern an der Oberfläche kämpfte, begleitete er Aayla nicht bei dieser Geheimoperation.[9]. Nach einiger Zeit fanden sie weitere Spuren, die sie zu den Einheimischen führen könnten: Die riesigen Schoten eines Baumes wurde von irgendwelchen Lebewesen weggeschafft, und die Spuren dieses Wegschaffens hatten Spuren in der Savanne Mariduns hinterlassen. Seine engsten Begleiter, die ihm bis zum Einsatz auf Felucia zur Seite standen, waren die Leutnants Galle, Inc und Barr. Encountering a Gossam security guard, Secura demanded to be taken to the Jedi prisoners. But Tremayne was not fooled, and he detected a speeder leaving the area. [2] During his time with Secura, Bly began to grow close to the Jedi, earning the two of them the ire of other Jedi such as Arligan Zey. 14.09.2016 - Erkunde Star Wars Fan 12s Pinnwand „Star Wars Commander Bly“ auf Pinterest. Along the way, the walkers were forced to scale a vertical cliff, and when a walker's path became blocked by a bulk of ice, Bly immediately ordered his men to blast it. Daraufhin wurde einer der anderen Klonkrieger gegen ihn geschleudert, dann flohen die Kreaturen und ließen Bly, Aayla und Ahsoka als einzige Überlebende zurück. [8], Bei der Belagerung von Saleucami traf Bly erneut auf Quinlan Vos, der sich an den Schuss erinnerte, den der Commander auf ihn abgegeben hatte. From there, Secura and her fellow Jedi were able to enter Shu Mai's compound. Heimat Bly war unterdessen auf die Brücke des Kreuzers gelangt, wo er eine der Pilotenstationen übernahm. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. [7], Nach der Schlacht von Honoghr wurden Bly und Aayla Secura auf den Planeten Honoghr geschickt, um dort eine chemische, hochgiftige Waffe der Separatisten namens Trihexalophine 1138 zu finden, das laut Geheimdienstinformationen gegen den Planeten Naboo eingesetzt werden sollte. [13], Although Kaa still refused to accept the aid of the Jedi, Skywalker went about ordering the clones to set up the shield generators, in preparation for the defense of the village. Als Bly sich mit seinen Offizieren und Aayla Secura auf Patrouille befand, erhielt er die Order 66 direkt von Kanzler Palpatine, der ihn – als einen der wichtigsten und hochrangigsten Klon-Kommandeure – persönlich mit der Durchführung beauftragte.Obwohl Aayla und Bly eine enge Beziehung zu einander hatten, zögerte er nicht den Befehl durchzuführen und schoss der vollkommen überraschten und deswegen unvorbereiteten Aayla Secura mit seinem Blastergewehr in den Rücken. "Commander Bly do you read me" Jedi General Aayla Secura said over her comlink. Deciding to investigate the unusual phenomena, Bly, Gree and several clone troopers used their jetpacks to reach what remained of the ship's hangar, while the Jedi followed them by using the Force to navigate through debris. The pursuers were in turn destroyed by Republic Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters, allowing Bly and his comrades to drop the Jedi off in a nearby swamp. They were able to successfully dispatch the first wave of droids, but the second and third waves were able to make through the shield perimeter, forcing Bly and Rex to retreat behind the pod barrier. Gegen Ende des Krieges wurden Bly und Aayla Secura nach Felucia geschickt, wo sie den Auftrag hatten, eine KUS-Basis zu infiltrieren und die Leiterin der Handelsgilde, Shu Mai, gefangen zu nehmen. After reaching the remains of the ship's bridge, Gree began to slice the vessel's data recorder, while Bly, the Jedi and the clone troopers protected him from the attacking droids. Besondere Merkmale The Jedi ordered the clone commander to take a squad of troopers aboard an LAAT/i gunship and gather more information, and to hold fire unless fired upon. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Bly continued to serve under Palpatine's new regime and was sent to Yutusk to control a protest rally. Darth Sion - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) 4. Sein Squad feuerte zahlreiche weitere Schüsse auf die am Boden liegende Jedi ab.[10]. A clone of Jango Fett, Bly was trained as an Advanced Recon Commando himself, giving him a more independent mindset and allowing him to think "outside the manual" when it came to the shifting of tactical situations. As a result, he was seriously injured, but Tano was able to recover his unconscious form. In 19 BBY, Secura, Bly and the 327th Star Corps were dispatched to Saleucami, where a prolonged siege was taking place. On Tepasi, Bly shot both Jedi fugitives, and though he believed them dead, they had in fact survived. The Confederacy was using underground caves below the planet's capital to clone Morgukai warriors, who were subsequently trained by the Anzati. Hier arbeitete er zum ersten Mal mit Aayla Secura zusammen. Ich finde es auch schade, das die Clones keine abnehmbare Helme bzw. Within the outpost was, as Skywalker predicted, a Confederate shuttle. Der eigentliche Auftrag war nicht erfolgreich, da Shu Mai den Planeten längst verlassen hatte und von General Grievous nach Mustafar gebracht worden war, aber Bly entschied, das Sternenkorps gegen die Separatisten-Armee auf Felucia zu schicken, da diese im Begriff war, das gesamte Gewässernetz des Planeten zu vergiften. As they moved closer, the vehicle fired a large projectile into the sky. Am Einsatz auf Felucia nahm das gesamte 327. [5], Aayla und Bly während der Schlacht von Quell, Einige Zeit später befand sich Bly mit Secura und ihren Schiffen in der Atmosphäre von Quell, als eine verstärkte Flotte der Separatisten eintraf. Secura consulted him on advisable actions, and Bly believed that they should reconnoiter the planet for more information. Bly ventured out alone, drawing enemy fire, while Secura and Vos dispatched the enemy guards by stealth. As the clones and the Jedi moved out of the village, the Confederate troops began ransacking the place. Before they boarded, the clones gathered two shield generators to take with them. Bly and his troops started to make their way into the building, but were stalled when deadly toxins were let into the air by the Separatists. Serving in campaigns on planets such as Quell, Maridun, Alzoc III, Florrum, and New Holstice, Bly worked with Secura to personally extract a valuable Scientific Instrument Package from Honoghr. Visas Marr - Unknown death (Canonized in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes) Bly continued to serve under Palpatine's new regime and was sent to Yutusk to control a protest rally. [10]Bly, Unduli, and Secura watch Gree slice the crashed frigate's computer on Alzoc III. Gemeinsam mit Rex befolgte Bly den Befehl, doch schon kurze Zeit später mussten sie schnell zum Baum zurückkehren, da die Separatisten die Entlaubungskapsel, eine neuartige Waffe, abgefeuert hatten. To Secura's frustration, the Confederate leader was long gone, but Ekria was able to disable the locks on the main entrance nonetheless. The group climbed the tree, and from their new vantage point, they spotted the Confederate invaders building a fortified outpost around the landing craft. On Tepasi, Vader, with the captive Lo'gaan in tow, confronted Baron Orman Tagge in a large TaggeCo factory. [3] Bly was assigned to the 327th Star Corps, which fell under the 2nd Sector Army. [10] [5], Kurz darauf führte einer der erwarteten Taktikdroiden eine Droidenstreitmacht in die Schlucht und attackierte das Computerzentrum. In turn, the droid ordered his troops to attack the bunker, prompting Bly and the men of the 327th to attack them from the rear. Er bekam das Oberkommando über das 327. [10] They returned to the village, where Skywalker's recuperation continued. 80 Kilogramm[1] Der Tr… When the Confederate forces were close enough to the village, Durd fired his new weapon. Realizing that Vos was truly a threat to the mission, Bly attempted to shoot the renegade Jedi, but his target swiftly rounded on him and threw the clone hard into a wall with the Force. Als die großen Raubtiere in die Gruppe sprangen, wurde Bly zu Seite geschleudert, doch er hatte sich schnell wieder orientiert und feuerte auf die Angreifer, wobei er eines der Tiere tötete. Hautfarbe Vos was displeased with the presence of the man who had recently shot him, and he brushed off Secura's request. Though none of the Imperials knew it, Lo'gaan and Ekria had in fact survived the encounter.[5]. "[1] A clone of Jango Fett, Bly was trained as an Advanced Recon Commando himself, giving him a more independent mindset and allowing him to think "outside the manual" when it came to the shifting of tactical situations. The Black Series takes on your favorite Star Wars stories!Add some awesome to your collection! Im selben Moment gelang es Anakin, die Waffe zu zerstören und die Lurmen griffen in den Kampf mit ein. 1. Über seinen Einsatz dort ist nichts bekannt. Biografische Daten Secura and all other Jedi were now considered enemies of the Republic, leaving Bly with little choice but to abandon any friendship he might have had and kill his former commanding officer by shooting her in the back. The Confederate Lucrehulk-class Core Ship Gahenna was believed to be carrying a new defoliant toxin, Trihexalophine1138, with the intent of using it on Naboo. Fighting off a horde of Noghri warriors, the pair were saved when Quinlan Vos entered the engagement.[1]. Eventually, Vos was able to overpower his former Padawan and prepared to land a killing blow. Secura, who had been trained by Vos, asked him where his allegiances lay. Mit Hilfe der Lurmen gelang es Rex, Bly und Ahsoka schließlich, die Droiden im Dorf zu besiegen und kurze Zeit später von republikanischen Truppen gerettet zu werden. [17], Continuing to work with Secura, Bly was then sent to Honoghr. They were able to effectively dispatch the droid's troops, while Secura beheaded the tactical droid. Dienstgrad When the ship was struck by fire, the pilot was thrown onto the controls, accidentally activating the ship's hyperdrive. Aayla ermutigte Bly, ihr seine Meinung zu sagen und führte mit ihm angeregte Grundsatzdiskussionen. Aufgrund seiner Führungsqualitäten erhielt er eine Zusatzausbildung zum befehlshabenden Offizier und bekam das Kommando über eine eigene Einheit. [18] During the siege, Bly worked closely with fellow commanders CC-8826 and Faie. [5] Meanwhile, the rest of the Jedi set out to remove the large planetary ion cannon that was preventing the Republic fleet from moving over the city and bombarding the Confederate installation. einen alternativ Kopf haben, das wäre genau bei ihnen richtig geil gewesen. Widerwillig folgte Bly dieser Anordnung, behielt Vos jedoch die ganze Zeit über im Auge. Bly, roused into consciousness, shot Vos in the shoulder. Adapting to the situation, Bly used an ascension gun to carry Secura to the top of the building, with Zonder, Ekria and Offee close behind. In addition, the Jedi and the clones began moving the large pods into place, forming a makeshift barrier. Vader then congratulated Bly on finally completing his mission. Weitere Ideen zu star wars klone, clone trooper helm, star wars helm. Making a final assault, Secura and Vos made their way into the cloning chambers of the catacombs to sabotage the Confederate operation and confront Bulq. It became apparent that an individual had used a Telgorn dropship to board a Munificent-class star frigate carrying two classified weapons, stole one of them, and then departed shortly before the frigate was hit by an explosion. While Ekria sliced into the center's shields, Bly and Secura fought their way through the guard droids and into the complex. Als Zeichen seines neuen Ranges konnte Bly seine Rüstung individualisieren und entschied sich später dazu, das zuvor nur ARCs vorbehaltene Kama zu tragen - den traditionellen mandalorianischen Jagdrock - sowie die ARC-Schulterpauldrons und ein Makrobinokular, das am Helm angebracht war. [18] Auf New Holstic… Männlich Die Erfahrungen seinerzeit allein mit den beiden verfeindeten Jedi gaben Bly nachhaltig zu denken. Durd was later arrested by Skywalker,[13] and Admiral Yularen's cruisers arrived at Maridun to extract the clones and the Jedi.[12]. gelbes Tattoo auf der rechten und linken Wange As Skywalker and Rex plotted, Tano spotted a Confederate recon droid nearby. Despite Bly's best efforts, he was unable to disengage, but Yularen, acting quickly, had the Resolute move away from the cruiser, leaving it free engage its hyperdrive and depart Quell prematurely. Too was able to incapacitate the creature, but barred Tano from killing it. Clearing the perimeter guards, Bly and the Jedi rode BARC speeders toward the compound while being pursued by Vulture droids. Dispatching the guards inside Offee's cell, the trio rendezvoused with their targets, although the intended escape route was blocked by a massive droid army parade. Star Wars The Black Series Klon Commander Bly 15 cm große Action-Figur zu Star Wars: The Clone Wars jetzt erhältlich, zu top Preisen, hier auf Ausrüstung She returned shortly after, reporting that the troops, Republic and Confederate alike, had been killed by a local creature. Tag this mod Description; Files 3; Images 7; Videos 0; Posts 4; … [15]Bly, during the Siege of Saleucami. Zubehör wie gewohnt von Hasbro nicht allzu viel aber in Ordnung (2 Blasterpistolen/1 Blastergewehr). Despite the overwhelming odds against surviving a hyperspace jump in a gravity well, the cruiser, and all aboard it, survived. Das Modell diente Hasbro schließlich dazu eine Actionfigur herauszubringen. As the scouting party followed the path, they were set upon by two large mastiff phalones. Virus scan. Bly was able to kill one of the creatures, which scared the other away, but the pair had been able to kill Cameron, Lucky, and Flash. Bred on Kamino, CC-5052 was among the first generation of clone marshal commanders to be trained by the Advanced Recon Commando Alpha-17, who gave him the designation "Bly." Unter der Leitung von Alpha-ARC A-17 wurden 100 besonders geeignete Offiziere der regulären Streitkräfte ausgewählt, vorübergehend von der Front abgezogen und auf Kamino einem experimentellen ARC-Training unterzogen. Skywalker was able to destroy the weapon, however, and the Lurmen, under the leadership of Too, banded together, and helped the clones and the Jedi destroy the attacking droids. Without further ado, Secura, Bly, and their unit set off toward Felucia. Wie viele Klonkrieger nahm er auch an der Schlacht von Geonosisteil. Nutzung von Community-Inhalten gemäß. Daher nahmen die Jedi an, sie könnten die Einwohner des Planeten finden und brachen auf, während Rex bei dem verletzten Anakin verblieb. Eventually, Dark Acolyte Tol Skorr entered the skirmish, taunting Vos and leading him away from the battle. Secura insisted that they were peace keepers, but Kaa argued that the Jedi were a violent people. The rest of the guard droids dispatched, the group made their way toward the parked shuttle. Zonder had been executed by Vader in days prior, leaving Bly free to focus on the two surviving fugitives. The group boarded the cruiser, prompting its pilot to make a heading for the Resolute. Waiting for an opening, the commander shot Lo'gaan in the shoulder, putting him at Vader's mercy. Stunden später erreichten sie ein Dorf, das von den friedliebenden Lurmen bewohnt wurde. During the mission, Bly encountered renegade Jedi Quinlan Vos, whom he deeply mistrusted. [1] Following the Honoghr operation, Bly and Secura served a tour of duty on Anzat. Er kommandierte das 327. The Jedi quickly defeated the droid and ordered the clones to scout ahead and find the ship's data recorder, while they themselves engaged the battle droids and followed by an alternate route. DC-15A Blastergewehr[2]DC-17 Handblaster[2] Hett's persistence paid off, as the Confederate base was demolished, and the enemy forces routed. The clone commander set off with Tano and Too, and after running for 17 hours straight,[11] arrived back at the wreckage just as a mastiff phalone was tearing apart the shelter and attacking Rex and Skywalker. [21], En route aboard the cruiser Intrepid, Bly decided to quell his frustration over the fact that the Saleucami mission was not completed by eschewing sleep for exercise. Tano suggested that Bly and Secura scout in a southerly fashion while she and Rex would stay and watch over Skywalker, but Secura disagreed, insisting that she and Tano work together as Jedi. Uploaded by KW5000. Meanwhile, Bly assisted Skywalker, who had been further injured in the altercation with the mastiff phalone. When Bly regained consciousness, he was met with the sight of Lo'gaan and Vader dueling. Er zündete sein Jetpack und flog mit den anderen drei Klonsoldaten in die Schlucht, wo sie die Kampfdroiden, die außerhalb des Computerzentrums Wache hielten, ausschalteten. Schwarz Sein Name, "Bly", wurde ihm von A-17 gegeben. It was the commander's hope that they would be able to retrieve the SIP without detection by the Noghri, but any attempt at stealth was abandoned when the Noghri ambushed the party. Episode VI – Die Rückkehr der Jedi-Ritter, Die Rache der Sith – Die illustrierte Enzyklopädie,, Die offizielle ID-Bezeichnung von Commander Bly ist CC-5052, jedoch wird seine ID im, Das erste Modell Blys zeigte diesen mit roten Markierungen auf der Rüstung. Version. Bly was concerned, but Secura assured him that the situation was under control. Sofort alarmierte er Bly, der wiederum die Jedi informierte. Bly und die anderen trafen gerade rechtzeitig bei Anakin ein, um diesen und Rex vor einer Gruppe Mastif-Phalonen zu retten, die das Lager attackiert hatten. Bring the next big thing in Star Wars home with the Star Wars The Black Series Clone Commander Bly 6-Inch Action Figure.This out-of-this-world 6-inch action figure was developed in conjunction with Lucasfilm and Hasbro to bring you the highest level of detail and authenticity that can't be beat. The droid fled, and the group gave chase. Upon arriving at their destination, both the Jedi and the clone troopers witnessed a crash site of a large capital ship and were stunned by the view of huge masses of ice and numerous starship parts floating freely in the air. Sternenkorps, welches zur 2. [14], Later in the war, aboard an Acclamator I-class assault ship,[15] CC-5052 was on a scouting mission with Secura in the Outer Rim Territories when they came across an unallied vessel being attacked by a Confederate Munificent-class frigate. The vessel had then crashed on the planet, where the weapon created a gravity anomaly. Once the fires had burned out, the group used the wreckage as a makeshift shelter. [4], Bly, Galle, Inc und Barr kurz vor der Schlacht von Quell, Einige Zeit nach der Schlacht von Geonosis wurde Bly mit Secura auf einen Planeten geschickt, wo die Republik ein Datenzentrum besaß. Bly's gunship were able to defeat the Confederates, as well as shoot down Alama's craft, and returned to Secura's ship. Secura came to observe, and she informed the commander that she had now been given command of a full unit by Mace Windu. Bly war unterdessen mit einigen Klonkriegern und Aayla auf der Flucht vor den Raketen-Droiden in den Gängen des Sternzerstörers unterwegs, wo sie auf Skywalker und dessen Padawan Ahsoka Tano mit mehreren Klonkriegern der 501. When they were safely out of range, Vos demanded that Secura relinquish the SIP. While on Yutusk, Bly and fellow trooper CT-6734, nicknamed "Galle," were cont… Sternenkorps [8], Die drei kooperierten, um in den durch Fallen gesicherten Tempel einzudringen, da Vos versichert hatte, Secura am Ende das Gift zu überlassen. Mensch (Klon)[1] While sparring in a practice fight with Secura, Bly was informed that Barriss Offee, who had been sent to Felucia to track down Separatist Council member Shu Mai some weeks prior, had not been heard from. [21]Bly meets with Armand Isard, Antinnis Tremayne, and Lanu Pasiq. Kurz bevor die Separatisten in der Kolonie eintrafen, landeten Bly und die anderen wieder im Dorf und begannen gegen den Willen der Lurmen einen Verteidigungswall aus Schoten zu errichten. Gemeinsam schlugen sie die Raubtiere in die Flucht und transportierten Anakin in das Lurmen-Dorf. The Lurmen had colonized Maridun in an attempt to flee the death and destruction that the Clone Wars brought, and in accordance with that, he asked the trio to leave his village. [13] Secura, displeased, ignited her lightsaber, prompting Vos to do likewise. Doch schon nach kurzer Zeit wurde die kleine Gruppe von einem Sondendroide der Separatisten gefunden. The group then flew the shuttle to the Lurmen village. Klon-Marschall-Kommandant Bly set out with Secura to stop the toxin from spreading, but in transit he received the command to execute Order 66, which meant that all Jedi were declared to be enemies of the Republic. More challenging was the elimination of the Noghri guards. Dabei entdeckte Bly einige tragbare Schildgeneratoren, die sie in das Shuttle verluden. As punishment, Vader blinded Tagge with his lightsaber, rousing Ekria from her hiding spot in the Baron's facility.